Brick Pavilions
Join us in building brighter futures….brick by brick!
Purchasing a brick for our high school Brick Pavilions allows you to honor someone or something special in your life, prominently and permanently. The Brick Pavilions feature personally engraved brick pavers, landscaped areas and benches. Bricks may be purchased from the Foundation for $75, and each brick may contain three lines of twelve characters each.
Bricks may be purchased at any time by clicking the DONATE NOW button on the right or downloading our Brick Order Form and returning it to the Foundation.
Brick Pavilion Locations
The Elkhorn High School brick pavilion is located near the football stadium and contains tributes to many honored people.
The Elkhorn South High School brick pavilion is located across from the school between the student parking lot and the softball field.
Creating a lasting legacy at a high school is a rare opportunity…don’t miss your chance to be a part of history!