2022 Scholarship Recognition Ceremonies

The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation recognized our Elkhorn High School, Elkhorn South High School, and Elkhorn North High School scholarship recipients at our annual Scholarship Recognition Ceremonies on April 26th, 27th, & 28th, 2022.
The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation, Elkhorn High School staff, Elkhorn South High School staff, Elkhorn North High School staff, the scholarship selection committees, and our scholarship donors are proud to recognize this year’s scholarship recipients for their many successes. Congratulations to each of you. We are proud of your hard work and wish you the best as you embark on your next exciting adventure. Your commitment and dedication is an example to us all.
Click here to see a full list of EHS Scholarship Recipients and pictures from the ceremony.
Click here to see a full list of ESHS Scholarship Recipients and pictures from the ceremony.
Click here to see a full list of ENHS Scholarship Recipients and pictures from the ceremony.
Community-Funded Scholarships
The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation currently administers 106 unique scholarship funds on the behalf of Elkhorn families, businesses, and organizations. This year, the Foundation is awarding 175 community-funded scholarships worth $258,550 to Elkhorn Public Schools’ seniors! We are extremely grateful for our scholarship donors, our scholarship representatives, and our 80+ volunteer selection committees who partner with the Foundation to provide these great scholarship opportunities for our Elkhorn students!
Super-Charge ENHS Scholarship Incentive Program
The Super-Charge ENHS Scholarship Incentive Program encourages the creation of new scholarship funds by non-school-related donors. To be eligible, the newly created scholarship fund must be dedicated to awarding an annual scholarship to an Elkhorn North High School student. These “Super-Charge Funds” are in addition to the Foundation’s existing matching funds program and will be available until the pool of funds is depleted.
If you are interested in sponsoring a scholarship for Elkhorn North High School students, please contact Genice Chochon at gchochon@elkhornfoundation.org. (Paperwork to establish new scholarships must be finalized by October 1st in order to be offered to seniors graduating the following May).
EPSF ACHIEVE Scholarship Program
The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation (EPSF) funds the ACHIEVE Scholarship Program. Students who challenge themselves by taking 4 or more AP classes and are actively involved in their school and community are eligible for an ACHIEVE Scholarship. ACHIEVE Scholarship recipients will wear a special honor cord during their graduation ceremony in May. This year, the Foundation is awarding 225 ACHIEVE Scholarships worth $238,500 to Elkhorn Public Schools’ seniors!